Danzan Ryu Ohana 2016
Richard Radcliffe
Ohana Event Instructor
I started my study of Dan ZanRyu as a student of Professor Chuck Smith and obtained my Shodan certificate from the American Judo and Jujitsu Federation on March 8, 1974. I had attended classes at Chico State Judo Club (Chuck Smith), Redding Jujitsu Academy (sensei Jane Smith aka Jane Carr), San Diego
Judo Academy (dojo run by Sensei Al Holtman a black belt of Professor Okazaki), Nibukikan (Prof Lamar Fisher) studied Wing Chun and Tiger Crane
Kung Fu from a foreign exchange student to Chico State (sifu Eric Lo), Kenpo Karate from (Vic Banks and Bill Sheehan), Aikido and Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo from Sensei Don Zier during the time I was obtaining my Shodan in Dan Zan
Ryu Jujitsu. This time was from August 1970 to my Shodan examination. After I earned my shodan I began the study of Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido from Sensei Don Zier and completed the entire system and with Sensei Zier’s blessing I began teaching Iaido to my students. Sensei Zier also allowed me to teach Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo (four foot staff) to my students. I included in my studies of martial arts Tai Chi Chuan from Sija Linyi Yeung Maslin and completed both the square and round form. All of these martial arts that I have been privileged to learn has given me a depth of knowledge and understanding of the martial ways. Additionally, the study of Japanese Martial arts has provided me with many of the traditions and understanding of the Kodenkan system.
After I received my Shodan Professor Estes asked me to help him with his dojo the Chico Judo and Jujitsu Academy. The classes were being held twice a week at the Chapman Recreation Center. I also was teaching Dan Zan Ryu day time adult classes and Saturday morning children’s classes at the Nibukikan.
During the time at the Chico Judo and Jujitsu Academy Professor Estes began a methodical training of me to my amazement. I had relearned every technique over again including rolls, falls, exercises,
and all of the Dan Zan Ryu techniques. The techniques that Professor Estes imparted to me as he told me were the original techniques taught to him by Professor Okazaki. During this time he also imparted to me the
philosophy of Dan Zan Ryu and many stories of Professor Okazaki and his time in Hawaii.
In late 1977 the class size had grown considerably as well as the afternoon classes and the kids classes at the Nibukikan. Many times our classes at the Chapman
Center were cancelled because of other events. I suggested to Prof Estes that we relocate the dojo to a more permanent location and combined my afternoon and kids
classes. He agreed and we opened at 810 Broadway in February of 1978 and named the new location after Okazaki’s dojo and the Chico Judo and Jujitsu Academy, Chico Kodenkan, at Prof Estes request. Professor Estes was a regular instructor at the Chico Kodenkan on every Monday and many times on Wednesdays. I wanted to have a traditional mon Japanese coat of arms or family emblem for the dojo and I asked Professor Estes if he would ask Hachiro Okazaki if we could us the Okazaki Mon for our school mon.
Hachiro agreed but we were told that we could not have exclusive rights to the mon. The students became
Bud and Rich Chico Kodenkan 1979
Prof Smith awarding Rich Radcliffe High Point Kata
Tournament (Nidan)
Bud and his new gi and obi, 10.1.1980
to love and respect the Professor dearly. On one occasion his birthday we gave him a new gi and special obi with 10 hearts on it. He cherished the gifts. It was during this time I develop a deep personal relationship with Bud. On many occasions I would go over to his house and just talk or enjoy his company.
I was fortunate to study Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu under Professor Bud Estes and I will continue to promote the Kodenkan system as Professor Bud Estes gave it to me.