Danzan Ryu Ohana 2016
Kevin Colton
Ohana Event Instructor
Professor Kevin Colton has been studying Danzan Ryu Jujitsu for over 50 years. He began his training, at the age of ten, with the American Judo & Jujitsu Federation, under Sensei Joe Burlin at the Pacific Palisades YMCA in l966. He has also studied with Professor Bill Randle at the Westside YMCA, received his AJJF shodan from Professor James Marcinkus in l976, trained under Sensei John Quijano with the Southern California Jujitsu Association and Professor Mike Chubb with Shoshin Ryu Yudanshakai. Kevin started teaching for the Santa Monica Parks a nd Recreation Center at the age of 15. He assisted in instruction at Penmar Judokai and the Westside YMCA until accepting the position of Head Sensei of Granada Hills Jujitsu Kai form Sensei Eric Pietrelli in 1986. Kevin opened his current dojo, Santa Clarita Valley School of Jujitsu, in l993 where he has promoted 43 students to the rank of shodan. Coming full circle in 1993, Kevin returned to the American Judo & Jujitsu Federation with Professor Tom Ball as his sensei. Kevin currently holds the rank of Rokudan. He was awarded the title of DZR Professor by the Pacific Jujitsu Alliance in 2012 and by the American Judo and Ju Jitsu Federation.