Danzan Ryu Ohana 2016
Grandmaster Graciella Casillas
Ohana Event Instructor
Graciela Casillas
Black Belt Hall of Fame inductee, has earned international acclaim as one of the world’s top martial artist. Casillas’s 42 years as student,, instructor, and professional competitor has given her an eclectic approach to the martial arts which she shares with students.
The first athlete to simultaneously hold world titles in the two different sports of boxing and kickboxing Casillas also became a world champion in Filipino Stick Fighting. She was the first and only woman to be certified to the advanced instructors level in Serrada Escrima, under the late Grand Master Angel Cabales. In her role as teacher, Casillas has incorporated knowledge acquired from various arts, including her own personal and professional experiences to formulate a highly effective system: Shen Chun do.
When not practicing or teaching martial arts, Casillas who has two Masters Degrees, one in Counseling and Guidance and the other in Physical Education works full time at Oxnard College as a counselor and professor..