Danzan Ryu Ohana 2018
Ryan Cary
Ohana Official Instructor
The son of Professor LL Cary and Madame Professor Donna Cary; Sensei Ryan was born into the Martial Arts. He began training as a little baby.
For over 25 years he has been an instructor to thousands of students from all over the world. As the youngest black belt in the history of Champion Martial Arts, Sensei Ryan was the Junior Sport Jujitsu Grand Champion for two years in a row.
He currently holds a 5th Dan Black Belt in the arts of Ninjitsu and Jujitsu, which he earned in April 2011. He is currently testing for his 6th Dan.
Sensei Ryan is the owner and Sensei of Champion Martial Arts in Reno, NV. Since June 2005, he has been instructing kids and adults in the arts of Jujitsu, Ninjitsu and Weapon Arts. The weapons he specializes in include the Hanbo, Sword, Bo Staff, Nunchucks, Staff, Manriki, Kama, Knife, Gun, Improvised Weapons and more.
Sensei Ryan is also a YouTube Personality with Hundreds of Thousands of views on his videos from 2015/16.